The Rec is administered by the Trustees of the Recreation Ground and Parish Room charity, charity number 521320 in the Charity Commission's records. In full there are ten Trustees, five appointed by the PCC of St Anne's Parish Church, and five by Shevington Parish Council.
You can find the Trust Deed in its original form . . . here, and transcribed . . . here.
The Deed says that the Rec could be used "for any purposes calculated to promote the spiritual moral intellectual or physical welfare and the reasonable recreation advantage or benefit of the residents in the Townships of Shevington . . . " For more information and pictures, . . . click here.
Whilst the Rec can be freely enjoyed by anyone, groups who wish to use it on a more formal basis (e.g. for organised games or working out or to hold an event) should seek permission from the Secretary to the Trustees, Mr Jim Maloney; in such circumstances a fee may be payable.
Mr Maloney's history of the Rec can be found . . . here.
This year's Shevington Fête will be held on the Rec on Saturday, June 22nd 2024.
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